TI Writer

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TI Writer was a text editor using an 80 column wide screen which was windowed to show 40 characters width at a time. It was supplied on a module but also required a disk. Consequently users also required a disk controller, disk drive and expansion ram plus an RS232 controller and a printer. The program manual was very large and heavy.

Facilities (found on TI-Writer)

Full screen editing

The cursor can be moved in a number of ways, using preset tabs, word tab, block movement (24 lines at a time) and the usual cursor control keys.

Text can be deleted or inserted.

Movement of paragraphs to different places in the text. Ability to merge files, and save parts of files.

Ability to change one word in the text to another, wherever it may occur (for instance, replacing 99/4a with 99/4A).

Centering of text is possible using TI Writer, as is 'right justification', where all lines finish in the same column at the right (the normal style of a book). TI-Writer does this by inserting extra spaces between words. The result is quite effective.

Mailing list option

It is possible to write personalised circular letters (the sort which begins: Dear Mr Smith, You have been selected from the people in Acacia Avenue.....)

File compatability

The module is compatible with programs which have been LISTed to disk (eg LIST "DSK1.PROGNAME") which allows programs to be inserted into text, and also manipulated with the various editing options allowed.

TI Writer can also be used to create or edit any disk file using 'DISPLAY VARIABLE 80' format, such as the Editor/Assembler uses for machine code. You may use the TI Writer to edit data created and used in your own programs.

Screen Format

The screen is changed to 40 columns, but the TI Writer page is 80 columns long. These 80 columns are displayed in three windows, covering columns 1 to 40, 20 to 60 and 40 to 80.

Although the page is 80 columns wide, by using the commands provided with the TEXT FORMATTER (one of the TI Writer programs), it is possible to print up to the maximum length your printer will allow.

Printer required

The module allows the use of any printer connected to the RS232 Card, using either the serial or parallel interfaces.

The command codes used by your printer can be inserted into your text, to allow you to switch say from normal print to italic print.

Menu Option 3: Utility

Option 3 is a LOADER for MACHINE CODE PROGRAMS in memory image format - shown as PROGRAM on disk directories. The TI Writer loader creates a unique environment, and is intended to be used for utility programs specially written for the module (none were written) but in practice you may find you can load many machine code programs with this option: if the console locks up or does strange things, it is probably because the program requires a specific part of the Editor/Assembler environment which is missing.

TI Writer Tips

TIW Formatter : You can output to disk using the FORMATTER option:— it adds a line feed to the end of every line.

TIW Formatter : Do you wish to prevent the FORM FEED at the END of printing? Make the last line of your letter etc: .PL 1 and the form feed is suppressed! NB: Do not forget to reset PL if you have another document to print!