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Revision as of 19:42, 3 October 2014 by Stephen Shaw (talk | contribs) (add use of alpha lock tip)
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See How a BASIC program is stored in the computers memory


One omission from TI Basic is the lack of logical operators such as AND and OR used for example in expressions such as IF V<8 AND W>4 THEN 120 ELSE 240. TI Basic programmers instead used mathematical operators to replace logical operators.

Check Alpha Lock

A program using the joysticks requires the alpha lock is UP, a relic of the TI99/4 days.

If your program requires the alpha lock to be DOWN for input etc you can instruct the console:

Insert a dummy line CALL KEY(3, Z, Z)

The use of key unit 3 tells the computer to treat the alpha lock as if it were down whilst the program is running, unless we reset. Use of key unit 0 has no effect on alpha lock status. Key unit 5 will reset normal operation.