Personal record keeping

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The Personal Record Keeping (PRK) module enables you to store up to about 10k of data, and provides various handling and output facilities to help you manipulate your records.

A printer is useful but not essential. If you have a printer, greater flexibility of display, as well as additional functions, are provided with the Personal Report Generator module, which requires data prepared with the Personal Record Keeping module.

The PRK sorting routines are slow.

Data is saved in memory image ('program') format, and thus uses less tape (or disk) space, is faster to save and load, and the verify option is available for tape files.

You will not be able to catalog a collection of six thousand records, but small collections can be catalogued with the module . The number of items depends on how many characters you wish to use to describe each item.

It is possible to use the PRK module as a simple diary system, or as a very simple spreadsheet, as it is possible to perform mathematical operations on the data you place in your module.

Enhanced Basic

The Personal Record Keeping and the Statistics modules both extend the range of commands available in TI BASIC. This was not publicised. The term Enhanced Basic was given by Peter Brooks who published a great deal on the extra CALLs.

These extra commands are the only way in which a user can save data in PROGRAM format - used by most TI Modules. Program format permits tape verification, and uses a lot less space on your tape or disk.

With either module inserted, select TI BASIC. You may now use the following commands:

Screen Display CALL D


Where R and C are the row and column the word is to start at.
L is the length of screen to be blanked from position
R,C and also sets the maximum length of the display
V is a value or string or variable to be displayed.

If V is longer than L, the display will be curtailed.
R,C and L may be numbers or numeric variables.

CALL D(10,4,5,1/3)        

Input of data by user CALL A


R,C and L are as with CALL D, but in CALL A, L sets the
maximum length of the input.
F   MUST   be a NUMERIC VARIABLE. It takes a value of 1 if
ENTER is pressed, and other values if some control keys are used
eg BEGIN:6  REDO:4  AID:3  BACK:7  CLEAR:2
A is the numeric or string VARIABLE to be filled with the
MN and MX are optional when using a numeric variable, and set
the minimum and maximum acceptable values: any input outside
these values is rejected.

NB: The CLEAR key is used to clear the input field. It WILL NOT break into the program! Use CALL A with a little care if you think you may need to BREAK the program!

Partition Memory CALL P


Save Memory Image CALL S


Load Memory Image CALL L


Define Data Header CALL H


Data field handling CALL G